Boulevard Park

Warmington Residential engaged X Engineering to provide entitlement and final engineering services for an infill condition residential project of 62 townhomes and a private park in Escondido, CA. The project consists of an assemblage of five parcels involving three different sellers, multiple lot line adjustments, various challenging edge conditions, and nonstandard frontage street join conditions. The site’s relatively steep topography posed a grading design challenge which was overcome by introducing a grading scheme that minimizes retaining walls and promotes topographical harmony with neighboring properties.
The project was conditioned to build approximately 700 feet of offsite storm drainage to connect the project to the nearest City-owned storm drain; X designed a storm drain that was considered the most efficient and least impactful by the stakeholders involved. Demolition began in September 2021. Remaining final engineering documents are currently in plan check through the City of Escondido.