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Mill Creek Business Center

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X Engineering was contracted with Richland Communities to provide final engineering services for Mill Creek Business Center, an industrial development project that falls within a Rich Haven Specific Plan Amendment processed through the City of Ontario. This development consists of two defined development areas, one 27.4-acre property (Vander East) and one 33.2-acre property (Randall North) for a combined development area of 60.6 acres. The 27.4-acre site includes two industrial buildings of approximately 273K SF and 161K SF. The 33.2-acre site, referred to as Randall North, includes one industrial building of approximately 476K SF. These development areas are located north of Ontario Ranch Road, east of Twinkle Avenue and west of Mill Creek Road. 

The site is relatively flat as it currently serves as farmland. The proposed project requires a lot split of the southerly parcel due to the bisection from Ontario Ranch Road to achieve the 33.2 acres described above.  An SCE easement corridor will also be preserved as an easement through each property. The northern SCE easement will maintain the existing lot configuration and APNs. For the southerly SCE easement the proposed tentative parcel map can/will propose a lot within the boundaries of the easement.


Stay tuned for project and imagery updates!

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